Thursday, 24 December 2009
Hall equipment
A licence has been applied for our first big function of the New Year and we have plans to get hot water plumbed into the kitchen in time for 8th Jan.
Mindful of the need for clear ownership of items in the hall, items will be marked and an inventory drawn up.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Disabled access - hand rail
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Music in the hall
Down side from this morning is the fact that the wind grabbed the front door and has ripped the hinge from the door. Akela will repair this during Monday...
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Christmas inbound!
Thanks to Leo, Jo, Dan and Akela for putting up the tree
This evening Cubs will make rustic decorations to hang on the tree and next Thursday a Beaver, Cub and Scout party will take place. I am told that a special visitor may attend the party!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Grand Opening Dance - report 27th Nov 09
Whilst the project isnt complete, this evening was a major waypoint that indicates we have made significant progress and that the hall is back in use. Akela took 25 minutes to thank those who have helped and handed over the to Honda plant MD for a few words. We both agreed its harder to speak without PowerPoint slides.
Honda staff attended and had a great time, They were the decorating party I mentioned all those months ago...
David Margesson MBE JP DL took to the stage and spoke kindly about the project and the work we have carried out. He then declared the hall open once more.
The evening ended with everyone 'mucking in' and putting tables and chairs away and removing rubbish. In short, the evening was truly magic and even more successful than we had hoped for.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Disabled ramp - work starts today
Our intention is to have the disabled access complete and available for use prior to the 27/11 function.
The ramp will have a small impact on the capacity of the fire door, but given we have significant over capacity for the main exit, this isn't a practical issue. The ramp will meet all regulations and protection will be provided for the damp proof course.
Having this work taking place, means that the right hand fire exit will be out of use for circa the next week.
A first today: A home education group has used the hall. This is another customer who had no where to meet prior to the hall being brought back into use.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Table top sale
There was lots of support from villagers and requests to hold regular events of a similar nature. Below are some pictures of the event:
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Requests x2
We need to obtain two things for the hall:
- A Christmas tree (do you have a spare one we could have?) A nine foot tree would be great
- A hoover, to suck up dirt around the hall
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Update - heating / bouncy castle...
Another childrens party took place today. A bouncy castle was installed and it didn't fill the hall... they had enough room for tables (both for children and adults).
I love going in the hall after childrens parties, - the warm, sweet smell of birthday cake is pervasive and makes the heart soar.
Tomorrow is remembrance Sunday. After church parade the Rabbit and Akela will go into the hall and sort out equipment for the 'survival weekend'.
The hall is operating above income forcasts, but these were very much wet fingers (estimates). Lets see if SBC will give us the 100% reduction on the rates on the building. We find out in the New Year.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Heating and roof tiles
Sunday morning arrived and a roofing specialist resolved minor external leaks and replaced some damaged tiles.
Monday, 19 October 2009
The chairman of the village hall trust just confirmed to me that they are aiming to hand over funds to a 'village hall committee' in early 2010 (monies will start moving in Dec 09). This is very good news and places the pressure on to establish the management committee with a 'majority of villagers' who are not scouters or wives of scouters, as the trustees see the conditions set out by the PC as meeting all their needs.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Heating progresses
We expect electrical side of things to be installed on Sunday. The pump for the radiators is already in place.
The plan is to run the system for a few days with no controls, to get the dirt moving in the system, flush things out and then fit a valve to control heat to the radiators.
Unlike my home system, I do not aspire to have a tropical outcome and will be happy with the chill being taken off the room (anything more may be very expensive). That said, looking at the system so far, it looks like the boiler will be capaple fo heating up the main hall.
We expect a fire valve and line from the tank to be installed on Sunday. Martin and Simon will use a diamond cutter to place a pipe into the concrete and run it into the boiler room.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Two planks, eight blokes and a tank
With no hand grabs and not much space to move, the tank was lifted on top of two planks that the tank was tied to. This allowed us to get the tank lifted to waist height and them elevate to above head height....
The shorties in the team had some trouble at this point, indeed some had trouble touching the tank as it was held aloft.
In two moves the tank navigated the narrow path (above part of next doors fence) and onto the edge of the concrete plynth.
Finally, the planks again came into play as the tank was untied and then slid onto the concrete block using the smooth wooden planks.
Only one person had to climb over the tank to get out, but its now in place and we have fuel ordered for later in the week... All we need to ensure is that there is a cock fitted to the tank in good time for the load arriving!
This is probably the last big job that we can tackle ourselves, as the rest of the this job is in the domain of professionals.
Thanks go to: The Veveri, Tim, Lee, Simon G, Martin F, the Rabbit, Darren and Akela
Sunday, 11 October 2009
This is what it is all about - A birthday party!
The lady who hired the hall put tables and chairs away and swept up. She also cleaned the surfaces in the kitchen. Other than checking the place and locking up, I didnt have to do too much in my 'key holder' role... Thankfully they even took their own refuse away with them (like it says in the hire agreement).
I have just firmed up the local Police using the hall on 29/10 for a 'police meet the public' event. They currently use the Landmark hotel, so using the hall is a great, positive move.
Odd jobs and first party (and new boiler)
Akela replaced the mens toilet seat with nice new a plastic white job. The previous seat had broken at the hinge.
Two fire extinguishers had been swung on by small people, so they were rehung this morning... With MUCH BIGGER screws.
Some external pipe holes (in he wall) were sealed in the kitchen and this should reduce heat loss (a little).
A booking for a childrens party has just got underway. Tables were pulled from under the stage for use during the party.
Finally, Jan has sown the header tape onto the stage curtains and they were hung by Akela and Leo. Whilst they look brilliant (with the hooks moved to the lowest setting), the curtains are not opening and closing as they should (they still move). We can look at the mechanism in a few days as the curtains can be manually opened and closed.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Ridgeway Bell text for Nov issue
Group Scout Leader – 1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group
Google Adsense | Guttering | Tea time
The guttering work should complete today. The new heating boiler is planned to be installed over the weekend by Martin Farmer. This should set hall users up for a toasty winter.
Yesterday evening I popped into the hall to see how Beavers were doing and help tidy up. Beavers were serving hot drinks and cake to relatives. I walked in to find the hall full of people having a lovely tea party! Even with no heating, we didnt need heating! This kind of community event makes all the effort we put in very worthwhile. An excellent performance from Zazu (Beaver leader) and her helpers.
Zazu held a game of bingo. It was clear there is a keen fondness for bingo and that we need to start bingo sessions for some nof our older community members!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Guttering underway
The first invoice (electrical rewire) of the £5K approved by the PC has been submitted to the new parish clerk.
Monday's lift of the tank to the rear of the premises didnt happen as the delivery truck had problems. We are shoorting for tomorrow (Friday), so please come along about 4:30pm.
The heating boiler is planned for replacement on Saturday. This is no small task. We have been very well supported by local tradesmen and some not so local companies.
Invites (and complimentary tickets) to be sent to those who have assisted in works so far are in the process of being drafted (Leo has the tickets made already). As soon as the letters have been sent, the rest of the tickets can go on sale to Chiseldon residents.
The stage curtains are with Jan and they are having header tape added, so we can open and close them when fitted on the stage curtain rail.
Earlier in the week we checked the number of tables we could fit in the hall. Here is a picture of our lighting and table playtime.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Moving to rock solid
I stood on the slab this afternoon and its looking good. we should be able to remove the wooden shuttering later in the week.
The gas cage took some coaxing back into place (over the top of wet concrete).
Between cage and tank we now have space for storage of our BBQ's and other iron work.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Hard labour
Shuttering is now in position for a slab pour tomorrow. We have the free loan of a concrete mixer and the materials have been ordered to arrive tomorrow morning. When you dont order or lay concrete, arriving at the right amounts can be fraught (thanks to Baggy for use of his worry beads).
The stage has been cleared of kit, with the bulk of the equipment placed in racks in the loft. This was no mean feat. I admit that this did include a trip to the local 'civic amenity site' (the rubbish tip).
Thanks to Mowgli for his help (part repaid by taking him out to lunch).
Tomorrow will be a heavy day and given one cubic metre of concrete is 2.2 tonnes, we will have our work cut out moving 325kg of cement and three bags of balast (we need 1850kg, but I had to order more than we need), we can expect the day to be hard one.
19:40 Update: Just been and bought another wheelbarrow. My last one died as Mowgli dumped earth in the skip. I feel justified getting a new one, as the old one was much loved. RIP Ronny the wheelbarrow.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Balast down and shuttering up
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Clearing and digging
We had just stopped (Akela's wheel barrow died and after a moving ceremony was placed in the skip) when Steve G pitched up. He worked like a trojan and Akela re-joined him. Martin Farmer pitched up and he attacked the job viciously. Frank joined us and by ten to six in the evening, we are ready for hard core to be placed.
We need to buy some shuttering for the sides of the hole, but progress today has been massive. A big thank you to all who helped.
At the start of the day, Dan and Akela placed significant amounts of clobber (that had been in the Scout garage) from the stage, into the loft.
I hurt. I am not used to this kind of hammering, but I can say that we have made significant progress towards getting the heating back on-line.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Heating and Buffs
Yesterday evening, I was presented with a cheque for £500 in support of our work on the hall. The cheque came from the ROAB (Buffs). This is a lot of cash from such a small charitable group, but they can see what we have done with the hall and are keen to support us.
A skip arrives tomorrow (Saturday) to enable us to remove rubble in preparation for cleaning up the area around the oil tank.Working parties are in play from Saturday afternoon, also on Monday and Tuesday.
A revisit of the guttering estimate (forced by seeing rotten and damaged wood and moving to new gluttering and boards) has seen an increase in cost, but the work should start late next week.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Sunday, Sunday looks good to me
The stage has started to see a reduction in the volume of kit on show and we will soon be back to seeing the stage curtains in full glory.
Friday, 18 September 2009
First aid and racking
Loft cleaned out. Racking placed in the loft and part assembled.
All toilets bleached and sinks and urinals treated with Dettol.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Parish council vote to support us
Next jobs are write a TOR for the hall management committee, get the guttering work booked in (already have a quote) and explore splitting the water supply (from the club) costs.
Martin Farmer is on the case with the heating and popped in again after keep fit. Rainbows went ahead prior to keep fit, so things are OK on the cashflow front.
The best news is that our reserves are now in tact and we can get on with the job of scouting and giving local kids fun and adventure.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Heating phase 1
Several water minor leaks in the kitchen were resolved by pipe replacement (the compression fittings were leaking).
The pump has been left on and I will check for leaks / paint the new pipe work during tomorrow.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Beavers and Scouts are now hall users
Fire practices were held and the bus shelter works very well as an assembly point for all sections.
Chiseldon Sports & Social Club have loaned us some more plastic chairs, so we don't have to use the conference chairs in Scout activities. This is just another example of how supportive the club has been.
There were no issues with the hall but we do now have to clear the stage and stow kit.
H did a fantastic job on her first evening as Scout troop leader. She was very well prepared, had thought about issues and challenges of taking over and set out a structured and engaging stall from the off. Well done to Heather.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
First grand howl
The hall gave us lots of room to move and play. When the Cubs arrived they played indoor football. The parachute game had enough room to move across the hall and for young people to run around the parachute... we simply didn't have the space in the old venue.
Neil had his Scout name selected by the pack and he is now known as Ricki (tiki tivi).
One of our themes is back to basics and we reintroduced the need for inspection kits. By the end of the evening all of the Cubs had inspection kits that they will bring each week.
The evening was finished off with some knot work and games.
As a final act of the day, I started to get invite addresses pulled together for non Scout contributors to the hall project.
Keep fit and moving out of the garage
Last nights exec meeting gave agreement to move forward with the PC and trust monies. This wasnt without debate and we wait to see what will be said at the PC meeting on 14th Sept.
Last night saw the first use of the external lights. The stone work looks great with the light playing downwards... exactly what I had in mind.
The exec meeting was boosted by the arrival of a further donation. I wont say from who, but it was for £500 and as a direct and positive response to the work we (Scouts) have done to date.
Monday, 7 September 2009
2nd Open afternoon report
The second open afternoon was a social and political success. Frankly, we were swamped by visitors, with a queue for teas and cream teas regularly stretching across the hall... The tables were full of villagers, some who hadnt seen each other in many years, - despite only living a street apart.
Positive comments and glowing praise for what we have done are evidenced by the entries in the comments book. Most entries urge the Parish Council and the Village Hall trust to financially support us.
The Veveri managed to take some photo's of the gathering (I was was so busy on both open afternoons, I simply didnt get a chance).

It was great to meet people from the village who have so many memories and ideas associated with the hall. Based on discussions with these people, I have asked the Father Roger to explore who might operate a youth dance session in the hall and I need to explore daytime dance and 'drop in' sessions for older people.
Significant attendees were Cllr Walton, Chair of the Parish Council, a number of Parish Councillors, Father Roger (and family), plus a Group from the British legion and (significantly) Mrs Pointer MBE.
We collected donations of nearly £70 and this has been handed to our Treasurer.
A sea change appears to be underway and it feels like we have the Chiseldon 'establishment' moving to back the project. There is still discussion to be had regarding conditions of supporting the project, but I feel these are no longer insurmountable. Politically things have changed so much that I agreed that a Cllr could remove one of our briefing cards. The card was not incorrect, but it did fail to acknowledge the positive movement we have seen between open days.
The clear up was carried out in record time, with tables and chairs stowed, rubbish removed by a number of the Scout Group and table cloths passed to the next victim to take home and clean / iron (thanks to Jan, Leo and now Jo). For me, this self help is at the heart of the cost effective operation of the hall and is hard to convey to those who ask why we do not plan to employ a cleaner... Speaking as one who has used a tooth brush on the urinals, - I would like to see others stepping forward to share the joy.
It is interesting that the negative debate points from naysayers has moved from 'they wont be able to open the hall' (we have), to it wont last a year (it will). More interesting is the fact that these points have never been shared with me directly. We do have a business plan and we need to make that work, plus we do have the will to move from refurbishment to effective operation. A key task is now to establish a management committee. This will report to the Scout Executive and we will offer positions on the committee to villagers / parents and Scouters. In order to benefit from experience we have offered a seat to Mrs Pointer MBE, as she has experience of operating the Church Hall. I do hope she accepts.
Our first village booking is this evening. Keep fit starts at 6:30pm.
My next hall task is to make the heating happen (to bring it to life) in the next elapsed month, so by 7th Oct, we need the heating working... watch this space.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Open Afternoon
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Swindon Advertiser text
Community gets its hall back
2:40pm Wednesday 2nd September 2009
A BUILDING left derelict for 15 years has been restored to the heart of a village community.
Chiseldon’s General Calley Memorial Hall on Draycott Road has lain unused since the British Legion moved out.
Now, it is set to re-open as a village hall and Scout hall after nine months of work from the 1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group, £7,000 of investment and the help of people in the village.
There will be an open afternoon this Sunday for people to inspect the new premises and find out more about the Scout group.
First Chiseldon Group Scout Leader Peter Snipe said: “We believe it will be a hub for the village and that’s what we want.”
In April the Scout group secured 99-year lease of the building at a nominal rent from the Chiseldon sports and social club.
The group has been cleaning, repairing, decorating and refurbishing the building since January, using £3,500 of its own reserves and another £3,500 received from a local anonymous donor.
However, they still hope to secure part of the £38,000 kept in a village hall trust fund.
The Scouts will operate the facility on a not-for-profit basis for the community to use.
The building will also host fitness classes and private bookings.
Originally built in 1933, the building was created with help from the people of Chiseldon who bought bricks and had their names initialled on them.
Mr Snipe said: “Their initials are still in the bricks so it’s quite emotional for it to re-open.
“There is lots of emotion and politics, but lots of support.”
Mr Snipe said local businesses had offered their services, such as carpet fitters and scaffolding companies.
Honda had also added some manpower to the project, he added.
So far the building has been completely rewired, but still needs new windows and doors, repairs to guttering and heating before the autumn.
As a tribute to the past the Scouts have installed some of the original items they found on the walls.
This was a British Legion plaque, a memorial to those who served in the First World War and a portrait of General Calley, who the building is named after.
The open afternoon starts at 2pm and anyone interested in finding out more about the project or who wants to help can contact Peter on 01793 741164.
Lights slowly come alive / Fitness sessions
Just to let you know that the fitness sessions start in the hall on Monday evening at 6:30pm, hence we need to stay out of the hall during that booking. I do hope villagers support this session.
The electrics are taking a little longer than I planned but we now have lights working in the kitchen, boiler room and office. An energy saving PIR floodlight now sits proudly above the right hand entrance door.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Fire satisfaction and Evening Advertiser
We discussed the kitchen servery hatch and given the fire precautions we have taken and the proviso that cooking is not left unattended, we do not need to fit a hatch. He suggested that we might want to fit some doors in the future to block light and noise (during performances).
Notionally he placed us around A3 category and possibly lower than that, so we have very low risk and good control.
Hall capacity (Number of people) relates to square metres of the main room and is also influenced by exit doors (in our case double). We are good for well over our declared maximum capacity of 120 people.
Next visitors are the Evening Advertiser photographer and reporter, who should be with us around 1pm today. They responded to an email Akela sent to the editor )text of the email is below):
After nearly a decade and a half, Chiseldon's General Calley Memorial Hall (Draycott Road) is to reopen as a village hall and Scout hall. An open afternoon will take place on the afternoon of Sunday 6th September 09 to allow villagers to see progress made to date. The first hall booking will be on the evening of 9th September 09. Fittingly, the first users of the hall will be 1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group.
The Scout Group has secured a 99 year lease at a pepper-corn rent and over the last nine months, members of the Scout Group have worked to clean, repair, decorate and refurbish the hall. To date, works have been paid for by circa £3500 of Scout Group funds and a £3500 anonymous donation. To date, no other financial support has been secured but the Scout Group would like to use some of the £38,000 held in a Chiseldon village hall fund to pay for later phases of the refurbishment works such as fitting new windows, doors and repairing guttering.
Peter Snipe (Group Scout Leader) led the work and has kept the project on a very tight budget. The Scout Group wants the Memorial Hall to once again become Chiseldons social hub and already has regular bookings being taken. Scouts are an educational charity and will operate the hall on a not for profit basis on behalf of the community and for Scouts. During the refurbishment Scout Group Leaders, parents and villagers were helped by Honda staff and local small businesses. Peter recollects: ''The two most exciting parts of the project were electrifying, - seeing mains power being laid across Draycott Road into the hall and turning the new main hall lights on after the first phase of the electrical rewire.'
The open afternoon starts at 2pm on Sunday 6th September 09. Cream teas and refreshments will be available.
Lets see if the Evening Advertiser can help release funds from the village hall trust...
Monday, 31 August 2009
Moving in
All lightweight kit has been moved from the recreation hall to the Calley Memorial Hall. Thanks to Jo, Andy, Tim, Leo, Jan plus H and her children. We still have a small amount of kit to remove from the garage.
The fire risk assessment was completed this afternoon and a fire practice held.
We now have heat and smoke detectors fitted, but the electrical rewire is a bigger job than the electrician thought it was... He will now finish mid next week.
The fire officer visits us tomorrow morning at 10:30. We have some minor questions and issues outstanding but I expect him to be OK with what we have done...
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Boiler room seals and self closer
Monday is move Scout kit into the hall day...
Friday, 28 August 2009
Minor update
The outstanding fire action item is the kitchen servery hatch. We dont have £760 plus VAT and we have asked him what DIY solutions he would accept...
The flag pole holder arrived (from ebay land) and this will need screwing to the wall - probably at the same time as we put up the large QE II portrait.
I met with a trustee (and adviser to the PC) in the hall late this afternoon. Lets see if we can finally secure some financial support from pot holders in the village. A key time is the September PC meeting. If we are not supported financially, the Scout Group will have to embark on a serious fund raising programme that will enable this project to complete.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Door closer fitted to kitchen door
The next job to do is to trim the boiler room door, fit seals and fit the second closer.
I am in discussion with the Fire officer (he is booked to revisit us on 1st Sept 09) regarding the kitchen hatch and DIY options (professional product would cost £760 plus VAT).
Friday, 21 August 2009
Fire seal number one
Theatre layout and tables
This morning I paid for the four storage units we picked up yesterday and obtained some glasses and a large colour photograph of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. At one time on ebay for £500, the framed and glazed image of our monarch was donated FOC (as were the glasses). The glasses are a mixture, but need to see the inside of dishwasher
Earlier today Leo and I played 'halls' and took some photographs or the hall set out in 'theatre' layout. It took us 30 minutes and provided 94 chairs. If we had enough chairs, I think that there is enough room for 120 seated!. Funny thing is that we both thought the hall looked even bigger with the blue and gold conference chairs set out.
During our session in the hall, we stowed all of the groups tables and benches away. Camping tables and benches are under the stage and light weight tables (used in almnost every meeting) are stowed in the entrance porch.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Today saw us select and take delivery of four low level storage cupboards (required for Rainbows and other groups to store their kit). These were sourced from a local company that takes used office furniture and recycles it at low cost to charities and local groups. A £40 donation secured the four cupboards...
A trip to Screwfix secured us two door closers and 10 metres of intumescent seal for use on kitchen and boiler room doors. These are required as part of the fire officers recommendations, so have to be fitted. A professional quote for supply and fit of the seals was £220 plus VAT. We are doing the job ourselves at under £15!
A meeting of the Scout exec committee meets in the hall this evening. We really are starting to use the hall. Bookings look good, with Rainbows, two keep fit sessions per week (all term time) and three provisional private party bookings with us.
Finally, I received the first electric bill for the hall. At over £100, I gave them a call and told them we had only used 25 units and (not 640 units) and agreed to move us to a new contract that reduces the unit cost from nearly 14 pence per unit, to just over 8 pence per unit. The first bill will be resent to me and will be suib £13 (phew!).
Sunday, 16 August 2009
One week on
A Ridgeway Bell article has been submitted for the next issue:
The first of two 'open afternoons' took place on Sunday 9th August. About 100 villagers took a tour of the part refurbished General Calley Memorial Hall. During the afternoon, 50 cream teas were consumed with many more refreshments served. We would like to thank those of you who took the time to visit the hall and thank you for your supportive and positive words about the work we have done to date. Our next open afternoon will take place on Sunday 6th September 09.This week has seen a number of bookings confirmed, bringing regular income to a respectable 50% of plan.
The open afternoon event is believed to be the first public event held in the hall for over a decade. Visitors saw a newly decorated hall, with new stage curtains hung and main hall lights illuminating a cabaret style layout that would have been perfect for a private party or dinner dance.
The hall is slowly coming alive and we already have a number of provisional private bookings, plus regular bookings for later in the year. The hall is available for individuals and groups to book. Scouts are reducing the number of evenings we use, to allow others to have the option to book Friday evenings.
We want to thank everyone who attended the open afternoons and who has helped with the refurbishment so far for all their help and support.
Many villagers have said that they couldnt make the first open day, so lets see how many pitch up on 6th Sept.
On the down side, we have painting (touch up) from where the electrician has removed old fittings. An upsetting development saw the cigarette bin (given to us by the club) 'removed' from the front of the hall. This was my fault, I didnt think anyone would steal something so yucky...
In the next three weeks we need to have kit moved from the 'community building' and into the Memorial Hall.
We meet with the trustees on Wednesday, so maybe the cold war is about to end... In any case, we have a potentially thriving venue that will give the village a place to meet and hold functions.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Open day number 1
Lets see what villagers says about the trust and PC not supporting us.
Friday, 7 August 2009
Red light excitement - wiggly amps arrive
This week has been all about preparing for the first open afternoon. Paint touch ups, water pipe repairs, fitting toilets and getting the place ready for an influx of Chiseldon villagers.
This afternoon I created some written info and posted it in the hall. The display tells our situation, explains that we still need cash and underlines the fact this this is a project that has yet to complete.
Our Chairman visited the hall this afternoon.
Cabaret tables are being removed from storage and are on the way to the hall as I type (better get over there and unload).
At tea time I continued the scrubbing of the gents loo floor that the Veveri started. Its not fun, its horrible, but my surfboard / body board didn't half save my legs.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Hurried and belated update
Over a week ago saw 1000 post cards placed in Chiseldon letter boxes. They were invites to the open afternoons on 9th Aug and 6th Sept. This leaves us with a lot to do between now and 2pm on Sunday.
The rewire started late, on Sunday morning. Stripping out old wires and removal of fittings was the electricians first task. Today saw the start of cables being pulled, strung and pushed through the building. The strip lights are down from the hall ceiling and new wires hang proud, ready for work. 'Second fit' is tomorrow (Wed) and I am told i should have a certificate in my hands on Saturday morning.
Yesterday evening Leo and Akela painted areas where all light fittings had been and removed a car full of lights, tubes and stuff to the waste tip. We had originally thought we wouldnt have to paint where the lights were, but the new items are a little smaller than we expected... hence the painting.
This evening we had eight helpers in the hall, cleaning and hoovering, adding anti-trip strips to doorways and installing loo roll holders and paper towel dispensers. Thanks to Jo, Claire, Leo, Tim, Dan, Dan and the Veveri for all your help tonight.
The high point of the evening was the new stage curtains being placed on the rails. They are up temporaily until we have header tape added to them (they have big theatrical draw strongs on them and chain in the bottom of the curtains.
Plans are well underway to feed and water visitors. Tea, coffee and cream teas will be offered in exchange for donations for the works on the hall.
With cables being pulled, there is more mess than I thought but we can reasonably expect to have everything in tip top condition by Saturday at 4pm (setup deadline for the Sunday open afternoon).
Sunday saw Akela and the Veveri clean the urinals and sinks in the mens loos. Some minor rectification stopped leaks from the urtinal water traps, so at least they will work. We now have a minor water leak in the mens loos, but Mr Rob Hall (my hero) should soon be on the case to fix this.
Whilst Akela was on his hols, the Veveri had been hard at work pulling down the ceiling in the mens toilets. We had intended to leave the mens loos until we got some funding, but now realise we have to make the best of what we have...
Tomorrow night sees the leak in the mens loos fixed. During the day the main hall lights should be fitted...
What a great project this is. There is a load of positive support in the village and we can expect lots of attendees on Sunday (hope they come!!!).
Thursday, 23 July 2009
minor effort in the kitchen
Andy and Akela moved cooker, units and fridge back into the kitchen.
The kitchen is starting to look good! All we need is water and electric and it will be useful.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Site visit, loos and cards
Speaking of keys, Leo had keys cut for the hall external doors so leaders can use the hall when we start back in early September 09.
Two of the three ladies loo's had seats fitted this morning.
The Duke of Edinburgh was replaced by our favourite picture of Bayden-Powell and his lady wife. This was an enlarged version of the picture we currently use in the hall.
The first lot of invitations were handed out for delivery. The Veveri has the task of delivering to a number of cottages. Mr and Mrs Akela will deliver to Draycott Rd, Norris Close and Carisbrooke Terrace... Other delivery help is being sought to cover off all houses in Chiseldon. If there are any cards left we will deliver wider.
The fire risk assessment is in late draft and a health & safety guideline document for the hall is being written.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Floor covering in the Kitchen
After exploring a Scout contact getting us some cheap / free floor covering, we have had to pay out some money and now have anti-slip floor covering waiting to be fitted. The price is very close to what our Scout contact could supply for. Its being fitted at 09:30 tomorrow by Martin Goodwin (professional carpet and flooring fitter) - at no cost to the Scout Group.
The site meeting with the electrician is now going to take place tomorrow.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Grassroots grant outcome and stage curtains
The stage curtains have been ordered and paid for. They are unlined, will be fire retardent to BS standards and have gavanised chain installed inside the bottom. They will be 3 metres wide and will be 50% 'fullness'.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Kitchen units now have tops... Another hour applied.
This gets the wood out of the kitchen and really lifts the kitchen.
Still no sign of cheap / free floor covering, so the search continues...
More storage
With kit starting to go out of the hall for camp, this is a good time to prepare storage options. If you have large plastic containers, we would would appreciate them. With this in mind, Tesco food delivery baskets are very attractive...
The floor has been measured and Akela and Mrs Akela are on the scrounge for some nice new kitchen floor covering...
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Rewire beckons
Next focus is to speak to the water board (via our tame plumber) and get a water meter fitted. In the mean time, written risk assessments on Scout use of the hall, a fire risk assessment by a 'responsible person' (is Akela truly responsible?) and move Scout indoor kit from the community building to the Calley Memorial Hall...
These sure are busy times.
Announcement was created and emailed to the Ridgeway Bell magazine. Text is below:
1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group is pleased to extend an open invitation to all, to an open afternoon in the Calley Memorial Hall in Draycott Road. These will take place on Sunday 9th August and Sunday 6th September 2009, between 2pm and 5pm. Refreshments will be available during these afternoons. The objective of the events is to allow villagers to view the recent and ongoing renovations undertaken by the Scout Group, to bring the hall back into use for the village.
The Scout Group is still seeking financial support from the Parish Council and the Memorial Hall Trust fund. At time of writing, no funds have been provided by these bodies, despite formal requests being lodged. Since our actions speak much louder than words, please come along and see what we have done to the hall to date and make your own mind up.
In late July, the Scout Group will be dropping postcard invites through all Chiseldon letterboxes. Please come along, check out progress and enjoy a cream tea.
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will start to operate from the Memorial Hall from September 09. We look forward to seeing you and we thank you all for your continued support.
The war memorial plaque, a British Legion logo and a 'lest we forget' frame have been affixed above the main entrance porch doors.
We now have tents stowed in the boiler room and the pile of camping kit in the centre of the hall gets smaller with each day. The 'portable' (gosh its really heavy) cooker and troop cooking boxes are now in the boiler room.
The stage front has been recovered with new carpet and the area under the stage has been cleaned / swept. Thanks must go to Martin Goodwin (is is a professional carpet fitter) for help with this. The same grey carpet was used to carpet the Scout 'office' and to make two large mats at the entrance to the hall (stops those pesky wet feet leaving tracks into the hall).
A white board is on the wall in the office and the cupboard contents have been rationalised in prep for moving our kit in.
Akela has spoken to the Council and will get 80% off the business rates and can expect up to another 20% off (councils discretion). In any case, we will be visited by a valuer and the process will get under way.
After submitting an expression of interest to North Wessex Downs, Akela phoned NWD and discussed a grant for sustainable elements of the project. They have agreed to send a application form and lead time to access cash is circa 10 weeks from submitting an application!
Last night, parents and leaders sorted out cookware and we actually threw a few small items out! We cant put things in the loft yet as it would get in the way the electrical rewire work that should take place very soon. So the remainder of this kit is on the stage.
Stage curtains are being requoted, but should actually be ordered by the end of today. We are going with Blue stage curtains. Our Chairman has agreed to pay for these himself.
The big news is that we are having open afternoons on 9th Aug and 6th Sept from2pm to 5pm. All of the village will get an invite. I have mentioned our move date to Ridgeway District secretary - so the pressue is really on!
It is the last Cubs in the Community building tonight (school hols beckon) so we have a bit of time to pull this together.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Sunday kitchen frenzy
Oven moved into correct position, same with fridge freezer. This means we need to relocate the fire blanket.
Doors fitted to old kitchen units and wooden tables (not needed) readied to remove from hall.
Next step is to remove trash and fit the unit tops - needs a fine motorised saw, so will do that on Monday.
Sunday kitchen frenzy
Oven moved into correct position, same with fridge freezer. This means we need to relocate the fire blanket.
Doors fitted to old kitchen units and wooden tables (not needed) readied to remove from hall.
Next step is to remove trash and fit the unit tops - needs a fine motorised saw, so will do that on Monday.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Toilet progress
Thanks to Rob Hall Heating and Plumbing for helping us with this job.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Another loo arrives, plus coats can be hung
Thursday saw another (final) visit by the electrical people to tidy and seal the trench tarmac. It stands out like a sore thumb (black and new) but looks fantastic. They appear to have had a little tarmac left over, - because they filled in a rough area at the front of the car park. - Many thanks to electric people!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Moving on the project - 'O day'
Last night, the Scout Executive met and resolved to work towards a 1st September 09 occupation of the hall. This is ambitious and demanding given we don't have access to all the funds we need. The Scout Group believes in this project so strongly that we agreed to start work and use our own reserves to carry out critical path works.
This does mean we will open with only part of the hall in play, but this should be OK...
We also agreed to hold 'open afternoons' in August, to give members of the village an opportunity to see the insides of the hall, ask questions and generally nullify resistance (if there is any - I have seen none) to the project. We will snailmail mailshot the whole village in the next week, with the invite.
The count down to 'O' day (open day) begins.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Fire signs and exts hung
I need to hoover the dust up from drilling, but the fire extinguishers being hung, add to the professional way the hall looks.
Ivor delivered the wood he will use to create racks in the boiler room and this is currently sitting in the hall - along with far more camping kit than I thought we had... Could be a challenge stowing it - but I expect we will resolve this in the next week.
That little red light on the power board isnt half good! It really makes me feel like we are doing this and that we will overcome financial challenges brought about by lacklustre (read potentially no) support from local fund holders.
It's Alive! Day 3 of the elect supply work
Here are pictures from the installation, including the red 'live' light - showing power is 'on' and all the zeros on the new style meter (I expected an old fashioned monster of a meter). In any case a significant mile stone has been attained as we work to bring the hall back into use.
Here we have a very wet Akela proudly posturing over the trench, post a wet play session with Cubs...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Day two of the digging
It's great to see the project moving on - in such a visible manner.
Pictures from the past show a grass area at the front of the hall and a white fence. What surprises me is the fact that the trench is very much digging into solid clay, rather than ground that might have previously been cultivated.
What ever my personal thoughts about local fund holders perceptions of our project, this work is a very visible sign that we mean business and will open the hall as we said we will. We really do need everyone to attend the next Parish Council meeting and convey support for this project.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Electric Supply inbound
A (second) 25mm hole has been drilled in the hall, this time in the wall of the porch (the electric board changes their mind where they would enter the building), in preparation for the electrical cable being installed over the next three days.
The Veveri and I moved scaffolding and other 'stuff' from the boiler room as the Rabbit has bought wood to build shelves in the boiler room. I am a bit worried about the lack of storage space available to us... (this is underlined to me as we now have all of our camping kit in the hall).
Negative waves from local funding sources about their willingness to support us financially. This is just another challenge and does not mean the project is on hold, on the contrary, this means we MUST make sure the hall is brought back into use for the community. This will come to head in July when the Parish Council meets. For me, I am already reconciled to the fact we will have to beg, borrow and fund raise. Its a fact that the same people who are blocking our access to funds are the same people who failed to progress the hall for circa 13 years - go figure.
Finally, my ears will be on alert today, as I listen for the arrival of the electric board and works starting to dig across Draycott Road and introduce an electric supply into the hall. This is a three day job and excellent value at £232!
Saturday, 20 June 2009
2 x toilets fitted
Rob Hall (my hero) had the hall keys this morning. Looking in the hall, I see that we have two new toilet pans and cysterns fitted in the ladies. The good news is that the doors are able to close with a person on the inside of the cubicle and with the loo in place! This may not be staggering news, but with the first batch of loos, this was not possible.
Overflows are yet to be fitted, but these new loos look very nice. Picture shows work in progress. Thanks Rob.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Fire kit in the building plus plus
Ivor and Akela placed the gas cage on the concrete slab (I knew he would mention its not being level). BBQ kit is further down the side of the building. Crucially, the gas cage does not obstruct the club fire door (its well away). This may have been a little early as the concrete has cracked where the cage impacted it. Still, the cage is solid and its new hinges open very well.
We discussed racking in the boiler room. Ivor will get on with this during next week.
Looks like the fire extinuishers have arrived (OK, with CityLink and I have yet to collect them).
I have until the end of Sunday to answer questions from PC / village Trust 'due diligence'.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Fire protection kit ordered
9 Litre Water £22.25 x2 (Hall)
9 Litre Foam Spray £28.25 x2 (Hall)
2KG Carbon Dioxide £24.00 x2 (stage)
2KG Dry Powder £13.75 x1 (kitchen)
1.2 m x 1.2 m Fire Blanket £9.50 x1 (kitchen)
Water Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
Foam Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
CO2 Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
Dry Powder Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x1
Escape Route Keep Clear Sign 200 x 150 £5.25 x1
Push Bar To Open Sign 150 x 400 £7.50 x2
I will order the door seals in the next few days and get Andy to exercise his DIY prowess using my crappy router! This will be a LOT cheaper than £220 to have the seals supplied and installed.
The camping kit needs to be placed on racks and moved out of the hall. I have jiffied Skip and the Rabbit (via email, which he never reads) to get the racking installed...
Hardstanding for cage and donation
We need to place the gas cage at to the rear of the hall. A concrete hard standing is required to house the gas bottle cage (and make it a non muddy experience). Behind the concrete pad is the plynth where the oil tank will sit.
I spent this morning digging out the area and installing wooden shutter boards. I then added seven bags of pre mixed concrete... I watered the concrete and its starting to 'go off'. It looks OK, but I bet I get 'constructive' criticism from my fellow Scouts.
I went to check the concrete and a group of people were looking in through the hall windows. I mentioned our work and it transpired that some of the party were evacuees from Alderney who lived as children in Chiseldon during the war. One lady rememebered jitterbugging in the hall to a band and another chap remembered being at a childrens party organised by American servicemen. He said the party was great. I went and got the hall keys and gave the party the 'guided tour'. There were lots of positive comments about the state of the hall.
I popped off the check the state of the concrete and a young woman from the group I had just shown round, handed me a £10 donation for the Scout Group as I made my way by her, on my way home. A nice touch.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Post Cub Camp update
Electricty supply will be installed on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July. This will involve a trench across Draycott Road...
The quote for rewire should be circa £3000 +VAT. This is cheaper than all previous quotes. Written quote will be with me soon.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Kit insurance, fire seals and metal kitchen hatch shutter
We have all of our camping kit located in the hall or on camp. This planned move triggered me to call our insurers and let them know we are now operating from the hall (even if we still need to build the racking etc). I called them after (what was a late) lunch and informed the insurers of the move. A £68 refund is on the way to our Treasurer... fantastic! Reason for the refund is the improved fire standard of the building!
Cub camp build is tonight, followed by details such as tables, food and kitchen during tomorrow. This is a busy time and I have to be careful not to let my eye go off the ball.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Council, Loo's and electricity
The hall curtains are all back up and look great now they have been ironed.
The move into the hall has started with some camping kit and canvas being moved onto the stage and onto the floor. This is temporary as we still need to build
I have chased the electrician and he will have a quote for rewire with us very soon.
The blind for the kitchen hatch, door seals (intumescent sp?) and door closers were measured this afternoon and a written quote will be with us shortly.
Finally (last night) another visit to the Parish Council progressed the dialogue regarding funds release... it seems slow, but I have been assured the PC and trustees of the village fund want to do 'due diligence'...
Fire exit signs are up and look good. Skip has progressing his pet project of short lengths of coat hooks, - these should be good for all sizes of hall user!
Friday, 5 June 2009
Ladies plumbing
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Update - electrical supply and funds
A few minutes ago, I was at a site visit with the Electricity people. Despite drilling the required hole, we now need another hole as they have changed their plans. They will now dig a trench across Draycott Rd and feed in on the North wall of the front entrace. A pipe will come up out of the ground and the meter will sit in the front porch. Above the meter will be the consumer unit.
Progress has been made with the Parish Council Finance Committee. We have to submit a written request for funds for the 8th June 09 meeting of the Council... Village Trust members are increasingly supportive of our venture. Primary reason they bhave move position is the 'business plan' we drafted that gives costs to renovate, costs of operation, a risk assessment plus an informal investment appraisal.
No news from the electrician, but now we know we will have electric in early July, we can get cracking.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Paper work - Business Plan
Copies of the Business Plan have been sent to a few members of the Scout Group (Treasurer and Chair especially).
Lets see what other questions they have post this session...
The document includes a cash flow projection, risk assessment, detailed spend plans, organisational model and loads more (in only 15 pages). I couldnt resist including some photo's of the hall as it stands today...
We need some movement on funding and providing this information was the only way I could see to apply grease and overcome inertia.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Wet day thoughts
With our best quote for guttering being categorised as more than I want to spend, I approached my Scout colleagues via mail and I have started to explore doing the job ourselves.... Looks like it will be started after the half term break. A truly 'materials only' job would really move things on and deal with rain visibly pouring down the outside wall next to the club entrance. The question of wood or plastic fascia boards may be answered by how much they initially cost to buy.
Still no sign of the electric supply or the quote for electrics.... I guess we have to wait.
Last week saw a general builder look at the space where the disabled loo and shower will fit (inside where the gents toilets are now). Turns out that 'building regs' apply and we need drawings before and after.
Jan still has the curtains with her for ironing, so I expect they will be back 'up' this week.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Suday, Sunday. Looks good to me...
The plinth at the rear of the building (used for an oil tank base) had about a ton of soil removed and the area to the East if it was cleared and made flat, ready for a concrete base that our gas cage will stage (be bolted) on.
We removed soil that was compromising the Clubs DPC. It seemed a reasonable thing to do, given Darren had intended to do this work and we were in the working in that area.
I have to make mention of the extensive (nay impressive) array of tools the Veveri has with him. Without him being kitted out, we would have struggled on a number of counts.
Inside, the newly relocated bits of wood that will have coat hooks fitted on, were painted.
Having clearly felt my standards are very low in the ironing department, Jan took down the curtains and carried them home to iron the creases out.
We disposed of the soil and finished at 12:10. Just in time for the Spanish Grand Prix...
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Electrical progress made
Having agreed with the club where the supply should enter the hall (they rightly didn't want an external meter or obstructions as pedestrians enter the club), I have now ordered the new electrical supply. This should take 4 to 6 weeks. The new supply will enter the hall on the left hand side of the stage, on the back wall.
An overhead electrical wire will feed into the hall. This is good value at just over £232 for the supply to be put in. This contrasts with daylight robbery from the gas supplier. They want over £3600 to put a supply in place and lay 17 metres of plastic gas pipe. I spoke with the gas people earlier today, they cant blow a new 'inner' pipe down the old supply and even if we dug the trench ourselves the saving would only be a few hundred pounds. Its looking like we will need to revert to plan A and use oil...
This project continues to have significant momentum and we will not be held back by local politics or inertia of others. We can expect a village meeting to be called and members and supporters of the group need to be ready to do two things:
- Support the group when we engage with the village trust and Parish Council
- Be ready to raise funds if we do not attract financial support from Trust or PC
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Site visit report
In order to release funds, it is clear that a village meeting will need to be called as the Parish Council have voted to link any funds release with the village trust decision.
I stated that I need to keep this project moving and didn't want to wait until Christmas to access funds. I was told that a meeting could be held within circa eight weeks.