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Thursday 19 November 2009

Disabled ramp - work starts today

Earlier today I authorised work to start on a disabled ramp on the right door (looking from the front) of the Calley Memorial Hall.  I have consulted with the club (our land lords) and they are OK with what is proposed.  A 1.2 metre wide exit ramp will drop from a rectangular platform projecting from the doorway.  Metal rails will run around the platform and ramp.  The surface will be roughened concrete to provide grip.  Design is intended to provide ample room for double buggies, electric vehicles and wheelchairs. To reduce costs the platform and ramp will have exposed concrete sides, rather than brickwork.

Our intention is to have the disabled access complete and available for use prior to the 27/11 function.

The ramp will have a small impact on the capacity of the fire door, but given we have significant over capacity for the main exit, this isn't a practical issue.  The ramp will meet all regulations and protection will be provided for the damp proof course.

Having this work taking place, means that the right hand fire exit will be out of use for circa the next week.
A first today:  A home education group has used the hall.  This is another customer who had no where to meet prior to the hall being brought back into use.

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