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Saturday 28 November 2009

Grand Opening Dance - report 27th Nov 09

What a night!  With 119 tickets either sold or given to those who supported the project, the hall really rocked.  We intended to make no profit from the event, but after paying out considerable expenses the Scout Group made a profit of £375.

Whilst the project isnt complete, this evening was a major waypoint that indicates we have made significant progress and that the hall is back in use.  Akela took 25 minutes to thank those who have helped and handed over the to Honda plant MD for a few words.  We both agreed its harder to speak without PowerPoint slides.

Honda staff attended and had a great time,  They were the decorating party I mentioned all those months ago...
David Margesson MBE JP DL took to the stage and spoke kindly about the project and the work we have carried out.  He then declared the hall open once more.

The evening ended with everyone 'mucking in' and putting tables and chairs away and removing rubbish. In short, the evening was truly magic and even more successful than we had hoped for.

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