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Monday, 26 January 2009

Sunday update - belated

I pitched up at the the hall on Sunday morning at around 10:20. On my second trot over to the hall (more tools), Adam appeared in sight and the day started. I thought Id be in the hall about two hours. We finished at circa 16:30... (and then did a tip run).

The two murals (both on the west wall) needed to be removed. Plastic vinyl murals take substantial effort to remove. Water does not make the removal easier. Adam and I, then Dan removed the wallpaper border and the murals. A rub down with soapy water, a quick sand and some primer made the framed spaces gleam white.

Whilst we were embracing joys of mural removal, the Veveri appeared. Still aching from the previous days battle with his front hedge. We had beeped him on our way for the kitchen (regretted the prospect of him trying to wave whilst at height, and beeped him on our return). The poor guy was feeling it, but he got on and worked his way around the room, removing nails, staples, batons and curtain rails. Andrew even removed the coat racks from the walls (next to the kitchen). They were too high for kids, in the wrong place and would obstruct cupboards we need to place in that area.

'Skip' arrived and with no preamble succumbed to the joys of building a platform. His objective; to enter the loft and remove junk. An inner roof inspection with a fly lead underlined the professional survey: no leaks, solid structure and the roof board varnish looks like new. The amount of trash and junk wood we removed was significant.

Object two for me, was to paint over the yellow tabs on each side of the stage. This was intended to make it easier for our 'decorator crew' to cover the yellow and provide real evidence that they are not doing this on their own... We cleaned the tabs, rubbed them down and got a coat of base white onto them. The rollers also found their way over the patch that had been covered by the world war plaque.

The Veveri moved on, into the area above the kitchen and gents loo's. A full load of wood was removed from this area. There was lots of British Legion rubbish to dispose of, including two metre long line drawings of the Ark Royal. Our Scouts would love to see this, but I stay strong and the magpies lose out.

Leo pitched up with a KFC refuelling stop. Most welcome. She also brought putty (the decorators requested this) and some pre-mixed filler.

I applied filler to holes in the walls, whilst Skip got on with cutting out the protruding metal lugs that used (we think) to support the large British Legion centre piece for the room. The Veveri spotted that I had filled where the rotary fire bell (the kids love it) lives.

We loaded the wood / burnable trash onto the Rabbits trailer and started closing up. Adam and I took a car load of trash to the 'Civic Amenity Site'. As we locked up, I rashly offered a beer to all in the Social Club... Only Skip and Andy (AKA The Veveri) missed out, so I guess I owe them one.

With no plan to do a full day, we ended up (once more) making a significant impact on the hall. A magic community effort and lots to be proud of!

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