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Saturday, 24 January 2009

Kitchen unts, Tiger stuck and overflows

A long day, but good progress.

A trip to the rubbish dump (civic amenity site) saw a full load of rubbish disposed of. Wood and other detritus that was outstanding from the visit of our decorating chums. It was sitting outside the hall and hand to go.

Heather pitched up and agreed to pursue a grant for us (the disabled toilet and shower will be expensive).

We wanted more paint from the Scrap store, but the unit was closed. Guess we will try again next week

Got in through the door and Greg called on the phone. ' The overflows are running'. On with a coat and over to the Hall. Sure enough, my earlier flushing of the loo's (plus more lime scale remover applied) had started things off. A quick tweak of the float arm and both stopped overflowing.

I applied some two part epoxy to a bowl in the men's toilets. There was a small hole inside the bowl and as a temporary measure, I thought I would see if the leak on the floor would stop if the hole was bunged up... I guess I'll know tomorrow.

Leo won a second hand kitchen on E-bay, so we borrowed Ivor's flat bed trailer and went to Tadley (near Reading) to collect it. One minor issue on the way back; a door from one of the units departed from the cupboard it was attached to. Hope no one was hurt, - because I didn't see it go flying and the first I knew about it, was a bloke gesticulating towards the trailer!

The S-Max factory tow bar was OK, but the electrics were 13 pin, rather than UK standard. We went there and back with a potentially embarrassing lack of rear lights...

We unloaded the kitchen directly into the hall. Lined up they look very nice and will act as additional units to the current ones (we will keep an eye out for more of the same in the coming days).

I thought the days labours were over, when Steph heard my phone ringing. A call back to the number revealed the fact that our Grumman Tiger airplane was stuck in the mud after landing. A call to Ivor to borrow his Land Rover saw us meet on the airstrip and gently drag the Tiger out of the mud. It was 5 inches down in soft mud and Tony (my flying chum) would have failed to extract her on his own... It was a good job Mark and Ivor were to hand. Thanks guys.

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