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Monday, 26 October 2009

Heating and roof tiles

Belated Sunday update: The hall heating is now working.  Its on a timer, but there is no temperature control (that will be added when the system is drained and refilled on Wednesday).  Very important milestone.

Sunday morning arrived and a roofing specialist  resolved minor external leaks and replaced some damaged tiles.

Monday, 19 October 2009


An pipe now runs from the tank via a 'fire valve' to the boiler.  In order to make this happen, a diamond cutter was used to place the pipe below the surface of a concrete path.  We are now OK to take a delivery (any day soon they say).

The chairman of the village hall trust just confirmed to me that they are aiming to hand over funds to a 'village hall committee' in early 2010 (monies will start moving in Dec 09). This is very good news and places the pressure on to establish the management committee with a 'majority of villagers' who are not scouters or wives of scouters, as the trustees see the conditions set out by the PC as meeting all their needs.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Heating progresses

We now have a cock fitted to the tank (a good thing for when the delivery is made).  Friday saw pipework from the boiler to the heating pipes put in place.  An additional expansion vessel was added (its a big system) and a guard was placed around the external flue (the flue sticks out of the external wall).

We expect electrical side of things to be installed on Sunday.  The pump for the radiators is already in place.

The plan is to run the system for a few days with no controls, to get the dirt moving in the system, flush things out and then fit a valve to control heat to the radiators.

Unlike my home system, I do not aspire to have a tropical outcome and will be happy with the chill being taken off the room (anything more may be very expensive). That said, looking at the system so far, it looks like the boiler will be capaple fo heating up the main hall.

We expect a fire valve and line from the tank to be installed on Sunday.  Martin and Simon will use a diamond cutter to place a pipe into the concrete and run it into the boiler room.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Two planks, eight blokes and a tank

The tank arrived (with ten minutes notice) at 9am yesterday morning.  It sat looking at me all day.  The school run complete, there was only one thing to do:  to bring a team together and lift it into place.

With no hand grabs and not much space to move, the tank was lifted on top of two planks that the tank was tied to. This allowed us to get the tank lifted to waist height and them elevate to above head height....

The shorties in the team had some trouble at this point, indeed some had trouble touching the tank as it was held aloft.

In two moves the tank navigated the narrow path (above part of next doors fence) and onto the edge of the concrete plynth.

Finally, the planks again came into play as the tank was untied and then slid onto the concrete block using the smooth wooden planks.

Only one person had to climb over the tank to get out, but its now in place and we have fuel ordered for later in the week... All we need to ensure is that there is a cock fitted to the tank in good time for the load arriving!

This is probably the last big job that we can tackle ourselves, as the rest of the this job is in the domain of professionals.

Thanks go to:  The Veveri, Tim, Lee, Simon G, Martin F, the Rabbit,  Darren and Akela

Sunday, 11 October 2009

This is what it is all about - A birthday party!

I am just back from the hall post it being used for a 5th birthday party.  I could smell the sweets and felt the fast receding warmth of loads of people in the hall.  It really is a pleasure to see people I don't recognise from Chiseldon in the hall and enjoying themselves.  We set out to create a social hub for the village and I feel with simple events like these, that vision is turning into a reality.  When we have heating available in the hall, I will be able to stop having kittens and cease worrying about it being too cold to use.  So far, we have been lucky and our tactical decision to open without heating has been a good one, but one cold snap and we would have some very cold occupants!

The lady who hired the hall put tables and chairs away and swept up. She also cleaned the surfaces in the kitchen.  Other than checking the place and locking up, I didnt have to do too much in my 'key holder' role...  Thankfully they even took their own refuse away with them (like it says in the hire agreement).

I have just firmed up the local Police using the hall on 29/10 for a 'police meet the public' event.  They currently use the Landmark hotel, so using the hall is a great, positive move.

Odd jobs and first party (and new boiler)

Yesterday saw the old boiler removed and the first phase of a new heating system carried out which included fitting a new condensing boiler.  A new flu has appeared at the side of the building and the old boiler was lugged away for (other!) uses by the Rabbit.

Akela replaced the mens toilet seat with nice new a plastic white job.  The previous seat had broken at the hinge.

Two fire extinguishers had been swung on by small people, so they were rehung this morning...  With MUCH BIGGER screws.

Some external pipe holes (in he wall) were sealed in the kitchen and this should reduce heat loss (a little).

A booking for a childrens party has just got underway.  Tables were pulled from under the stage for use during the party.

Finally, Jan has sown the header tape onto the stage curtains and they were hung by Akela and Leo.  Whilst they look brilliant (with the hooks moved to the lowest setting), the curtains are not opening and closing as they should (they still move).  We can look at the mechanism in a few days as the curtains can be manually opened and closed.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Ridgeway Bell text for Nov issue

Calley Memorial Hall update
The Memorial Hall is now open for business and we have seen significant numbers of villagers use the hall since we opened in early September.  The hall calendar is already hectic, the only week day we don’t have a regular booking is Friday.   We believe that our objective of creating a social hub for the village is very achievable.

On the evening of 8th October Beaver Scout parents were invited to tea and cakes in the hall.  The hall was full of parents and grandparents being served by Beaver Scouts.  The atmosphere was superb.  A game of bingo was held and proved very popular with all ages.  If a member of the village would like to run a regular bingo session in the hall, please contact me and we will support the event.

Our hall open days proved very popular and it’s clear we have a lot of support in the village.  One theme that came out in discussions, was an aspiration to have a ‘non Scout’ youth club in operation.  We would like to hear from you if you have the energy required to support young people meeting at a youth club.

Visible changes took place in early October, with the leaking black guttering being replaced and external roof woodwork replaced with gleaming white fascia.  With the Parish Councils positive move to financially support the project with a £5000 grant, the guttering and electrical rewire are both being funded by PC monies.  We thank the PC and you the tax payers for this much needed support.

October will see a donated brand new boiler fitted into the hall and plans are underway for disabled access to the hall.  Also during October, quotes are being obtained to replace doors and windows with double glazed, low maintenance units.  In an ideal world we would like to use monies from the Memorial Hall fund to replace the windows and doors.  Trustees of the hall fund have looked at our business plan and are broadly supportive.

On 15th November (2pm to 5pm) a table top sale is being held in the hall.  At £5 per table this should be a great place to sell your goods and support the Scout Group.

On 27th November we are holding a ‘grand opening dance’.  This is to celebrate the reopening of the hall and is a way to thank those who have supported and given so generously to the project.  Tickets are on sale for this event. At £3 for adults and £2 for children this event is great value as a live band will be playing and a bar will be available.

The hall is now available for hire and Chiseldon residents get a discounted rate. We already have a number of children’s parties booked in.

In November, a hall management committee will be formed.  Terms of reference are being drawn up now and we would like to hear from villagers who feel they could actively contribute to the operation and management of the hall.

Peter Snipe
Group Scout Leader – 1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group

Google Adsense | Guttering | Tea time

Akela set up a Google Adsense account and activated it on the blog.  So far the account shows we have made £7.60.  I dont think we get a cheque until we make £60, so please ckick on the ads (to the right)...

The guttering work should complete today.  The new heating boiler is planned to be installed over the weekend by Martin Farmer.  This should set hall users up for a toasty winter.

Yesterday evening I popped into the hall to see how Beavers were doing and help tidy up.  Beavers were serving hot drinks and cake to relatives.  I walked in to find the hall full of people having a lovely tea party!  Even with no heating, we didnt need heating!  This kind of community event makes all the effort we put in very worthwhile.  An excellent performance from Zazu (Beaver leader) and her helpers. 

Zazu held a game of bingo. It was clear there is a keen fondness for bingo and that we need to start bingo sessions for some nof our older community members!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Guttering underway

Its day four of the guttering, woodwork and frontage wood works.  Rotten and damaged wood has been replaced with new wood and covered in white plastic (the hope is that we dont have to paint in a hurry).  Down pipes are fitted and the front 'inverted V' is being sorted as I type.  The transformation is impressive and striking.  The colour is white and will match the white window and door units we are currently seeking quotes for.

The first invoice (electrical rewire) of the £5K approved by the PC has been submitted to the new parish clerk. 

Monday's lift of the tank to the rear of the premises didnt happen as the delivery truck had problems.  We are shoorting for tomorrow (Friday), so please come along about 4:30pm.

The heating boiler is planned for replacement on Saturday.  This is no small task.  We have been very well supported by local tradesmen and some not so local companies.

Invites (and complimentary tickets) to be sent to those who have assisted in works so far are in the process of being drafted (Leo has the tickets made already).  As soon as the letters have been sent, the rest of the tickets can go on sale to Chiseldon residents.

The stage curtains are with Jan and they are having header tape added, so we can open and close them when fitted on the stage curtain rail. 

Earlier in the week we checked the number of tables we could fit in the hall.  Here is a picture of our lighting and table playtime.