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Friday, 27 February 2009

Fire Officer and Visitors

15:30 arrived and Fraser the fire officer arrived on time. I invited him as we needed an up front understanding of the fire precautions and requirements for operating the hall. A hour later and his visit underlined how do-able the hall is and what we need to do, to get ready (from a fire safety perspective).

Here are the points I noted during the visit:
  • Stage: No need for a fire screen. Standard fire resistant curtains are OK to use. He described it as one big room, even if the stage is included
  • CO2 extinguishers are suggested in each stage wing
  • The red rotary fire alarm is more than adequate for evacuating the hall, but we do need fire detection sensors with a simple alarm (to BS5839 part 6). We need sensors in the loft (the fire risk is slim) space, boiler room, kitchen and hall.
  • We should consider downgrading the rear fire doors to standard doors, as the step is quite harsh. The other two double exit doors are more than adequate
  • As a responsible person, I need to conduct a risk assessment and create an evacuation plan that all users of the hall can work and understand
  • We need to fit a shutter on the kitchen hatch and the kitchen door needs to be converted to a fire door (seals on the door and signs). He says its more than strong enough
  • Boiler room door needs to be converted to a fire door. He was very comfy with us storing camping kit in the boiler room on racks. Fire / smoke detection is required in the boiler room
  • In the kitchen a heat sensor is required, rather than smoke
  • All fire doors need self closers on them
  • A light that is c0ntinually on at the primary exit is required
  • Exit signs need to have a pictogram on them, as some visitors may not be able to read English (youngsters too I guess)
  • Kitchen to have one small dry powder extinguisher, but fire blankets are required
  • Two stations of fire extinguishers in the hall (one by the rear fire doors and the second lot between the exits). Wall mounted is best. They need to be illuminated & be readily seen. Stations to have 1 x 9kg water / gas and one 9kg foam extinguishers
  • We need plastic covers for the fire detectors and sensors. I discussed cooking on portable cooking appliances, - he was fine about this. Caps will stop false alarms - but we need to have them uncovered post cooking sessions
  • If we do have a rear fire door, we would need to illuminate the rear passageway (he said we don't need this rear fire exit)
  • Any idea of a opening up the joining corridor with the club would have large cost impacts and require a joint fire system, a joint detection and emergency lighting system would be required and the standard of any fire detection system would be 'upped' significantly. On his advice, I think we have to drop the idea of a linking corridor on cost grounds
  • He will send me a written report and some links so I can start writing my risk assessment and evacuation plan
  • He has offered to come back a do a fire audit before we open. I'll take him up on the offer
Leo spotted some bodies looking into the hall. I was summoned to enquire what they were up to and I gave four people a guided tour. Don't know their names, but one lives in Shropshire and the other lives in High Wycombe - nice people who have found memories of moving into the village in 1957. A Scout parent arrived and I gave him a tour. The more people know, the better supported we will be.

We are working on the hall at10:30 this Sunday morning. Why not join us?

Southern Electric have received my survey request. They have asked me to call them. Lets hope they can get on with the supply cheaply...

Jan and Leo have ordered curtains for the hall windows and the two display areas that used to be windows. I have no control of this activity or skill in the selection and use of colour. I'm told they a burgundy... which should match the accent colour on the walls / table cloths and counterpoint the padded seats we have. Nice!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Low impact week - minor update

A very quiet week from a hall perspective. I'm finally starying to feel better (flu and other stuff) and can share the following updates:
  • Picked up a second hand basin for the ladies loo's (bought via Ebay, from near Hampton Court)
  • Disconnected and disposed of the old electric cooker
  • Disposed of the fridge - freezer from the main hall (it was full of something brown and horrible, which MUST have been home to lots of bugs)
  • Did a tip run, to remove wall paper and other rubble we created last weekend
  • Disposed of the last large metal box
  • Letter sent to the fire service - seeking advice on precuations, seat numbers and recomendations we have to action. I have requested a site visit
  • Letter sent to Sindon Borough Council advising them of our intentions and asking about local taxes (I've already spoken to them, but its good to place a letter on record)

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Lease Signed and passed to the club

Tonight I passed a signed (Scout Chairman and GSL have signed as Trustees) copy of the lease to the Chiseldon Sports & Social Club Chairman. Whilst we have to wait for the chair of the club to sign it, this is a very big step.

I have just written to Dave L (club contact) and asked to meet to document agreed positions on the practical matters:
  • Use of the Club bar for non Scout events
  • Regular liaison meetings between club and Scouts
  • Corridor joining the club to the Hall (two lockable doors)
  • Use of the clubs refuse disposal facilities (expect very limited use)
  • Possible piggyback on ladies sanitary arrangements
  • Etc, etc.
The idea is to firm up discussions and to leave no ambiguity for those who follow us.

We can expect to have to attend a solicitors to get the lease registered at the Land Registry...

Sunday morning paint

Kev G, Skip, Baggy, Mowgli, Dan and myself pitch up at 10:30. We cleaned and then painted the inner wings of the stage. Its a first coat and brightens up the dark inner wings.

Baggy moves the main hall ceiling repair on by inserting plaster board into the hole where the pipe burst had done its worst.

The current and a previous chair of the Sports & Social Club arrived. I gave them the guided tour, both seem impressed. I tell them the signed lease will be with them this evening (it's sat at home waiting to be delivered).

During the tour Mick Cox mentioned that the floor (under the hard board) is 3.5 inch Canadian Maple. Apparently it used to shine and be as slippery as an ice rink!

Janet G arrived and also had a tour. Is she a possible future co-treasurer for the hall?

Earlier this week, Ebay sourced a 'new' sink for the ladies toilets (the current one is badly cracked). For under a tenner, we should have a direct replacement. We will collect the sink next week.

We stopped work at 12:30, with another nibble of the elephant in the bag.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Sunday morning 10:30 (15/02/2009)

The next session in the hall is on Sunday at 10:30. Hope you can join us. Come dressed to paint. We will:
  • Paint the stage inner wings cream / white
  • Sort out the ladies loo plaster and ceiling
  • Repair the ceiling in the main hall
Baggy - please come with your plastering kit.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Kitchen cupboard piccies

Above: Fitting in progress.

Above: First aid cupboard. Dead cooker still has to be disposed of.

Units above the sink make the old units (below) look very poor.

Dec team progress, kichen and electric update

The decoration team spent the day on the stage, ladies loos and on the wood work of the porch. Their planned time with us has ended and they did a great job. We next expect them in March... unless the weather turns and they fancy a day inside. It's a real shame their company doesn't want publicity.

I see the decoration team spotted that I had fitted hinges to the kitchen window. They painted the final window frame in white gloss. The ladies toilets are much improved, with paint on all walls and ceiling. There are only three areas that need to be repaired and touched up outstanding (Baggy, it's plastering time).

I spent part of the day tracking down a number that uniquely identifies the electric and gas meter installations. Since we don't have meters, Southern Electric have agreed to send me a pack that will start the process of re-instating the electricy service. I have to do a similar job tomorrow regarding gas service.

Jim Leckie pitched up at 6:30pm and we got all of the wall mounted kitchen units fitted. The units look like new. Jim is a great craftsman and I can only recommend him to you. He is doing the job for nothing, as its for the community and that's magic of him. We will continue with the remaining floor standing cupboards on Thursday or Friday evening. Thanks Jim.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Summary of the lease shared with the PC 09/02/2009

SUMMARY (pertinent points only) of


Chiseldon Memorial Hall, Chiseldon, Swindon.




(as trustees of the 1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group)

FOR THE PERIOD of Ninety nine years (“the Term”) commencing from, and including, the date of this Lease (“the Lease Commencement Date”)

FOR USE (i) for the activities of the Chiseldon Scout Group and (ii) as a village hall for hire on a non profit making basis to the villagers of Chiseldon and (iii) for any other use to which the Landlord consents (“the Permitted Use”)

IN RETURN FOR the Tenant PAYING to the Landlord the following amounts as rent:

(1) an annual rent of One pound (£1.00) from and including the Lease Commencement Date, payable (if demanded) on the Lease Commencement Date and every anniversary of that date (“the Rent Payment Dates”).


(1) The Landlord may terminate this Lease within twenty eight days after it may have exchanged contracts for the sale of its interest in the Demised Premises, if such sale is on terms that it is to give vacant possession of the Demised Premises on completion. Any such termination shall take effect upon the Landlord having served written notice of termination on the Tenant, stating the reason for the termination of this Lease.

(2) Within 28 days following completion of any such sale, the Landlord is to pay to the Tenant the lower of:-

(i) an amount that is equivalent to 115% of the non-recoverable costs incurred by the Tenant in putting the Demised Premises into good repair and condition or

(ii) Fifty thousand pounds (£50,000)


3.3 If:-

3.3.1 the Landlords insurance cover against all or any of the insured risks has been invalidated wholly or partly because of any act or omission of the Tenant or any one at the Demised Premises with its express or implied authority or

3.3.2 the Landlord (despite having used all reasonable efforts) is unable to obtain any planning or other consents or approvals that are necessary in order to reinstate the damage or

3.3.3 the Landlord (despite having used all reasonable efforts) is prevented from reinstating the damage because of anything beyond its control

then the Landlord will not be obliged to reinstate the Demised Premises and any insurance money receivable in respect of damage to or destruction of the Demised Premises by any of the insured risks shall be divided between the Landlord and the Tenant as follows:-

(i) there shall be paid to the Tenant the lower of:-

(a) an amount that is equivalent to 115% of the non-recoverable costs incurred by the Tenant in putting the Demised Premises into good repair and condition or

(b) Fifty thousand pounds (£50,000)

(c) the amount of the insurance proceeds

(ii) and thereafter any insurance money will belong to the Landlord absolutely

Parish Council tonight - initial request for funding help

Here is the summary I will present:

Calley Memorial Hall update - Parish Council – 9th February 2009

· Objective continues to be the operation of the Calley Memorial Hall as a Scout Hall and as a village hall. The memorial hall will be brought back into use on a 'not for profit' basis, for Scouts, individuals and groups in Chiseldon.

· Current efforts are based on a least cost and shortest time line to bring the hall into use. Subject to a number of factors, we are working towards a tentative opening date of mid May. This is aggressive and may slip, but is focusing the minds of the Group
· Lease agreement in final draft state (see summary sheet) - with Scout HQ and CSSC committee for consideration
· Trust framework to be established in accordance with Scout policy / procedures
· Local company manpower being available much earlier than plan move Scouts to ask for occupation of the building early – takes place, based on memorandum of understanding (and substantial progress with lease).
· Cleanup, minor repairs and decoration tasks underway
· Donation of 265 litres of paint being used, supplemented by retail purchases
· Furniture for hall sourced via Swindon based charity initiative – objective is to furnish for a very low cost. Example is 83 stackable conference chairs donated from a local hotel (will be available for use when hall is hired out)
· We will furnish the hall for Scout use, conference seating, theatre and community uses
· Grants being sought for disabled toilet, shower and ramp
· Scout group has committed to spending £400 on cleanup, minor repairs and decoration, we recognise significant funds are now required to carry out the following works:
o Establish new electrical supply
o Establish new gas supply
o Implement a compliant electrical system and fire alarm
o Install gas fired boiler and fit to current pipe work
o Repair guttering and boards
· The Scout Group requests access to and use of Parish Council funds (set aside for the hall) to enable execution of these works. This is an initial request and we understand the PC will require time to reach agreement. We expect to operate a release protocol, to protect public funds
· We would expect to make further requests to the Trustees of the Village Hall fund
· Expressions of provisional interest to use the hall have been received from members of the following groups:
o All Scout sections, Rainbows, Chiseldon Theatre group,
o Brownies, private hire for functions, weight watchers, keep fit
· Day to day updates and some images are posted to

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Sunday: Team effort nibbles more small jobs

Akela, Mowgli, Dan, Andrew, Skip and Ivor pitched up and attacked the following:
  • Main door hinges replaced as required (same as fitted, but expect we need heavier ones)
  • Window hinges - two screws still required - at least its no longer hanging off
  • Replacement barrels on Yale locks
  • Cleaned the most blocked bits of guttering
  • Removed a coat rack in the ladies toilets
  • Hacked back loose plaster in the ladies toilets
  • Removed damaged ceiling board in the ladies toilets
This included a trip to B&Q for more plaster board and hinges.

The magnolia on the walls (a tester) from last night isn't dry, so couldn't put on another coat (it will need it).

Transformation: a bite of the elephant

I keep telling the decoration crew that we need to bite small bits of this elephant off at a time, rather than try and gobble it down in one. The approach is working. Here are before and after pictures of the boiler room.

We are in the hall this morning for some more very small bites.

Thanks to Andrew for the pictures.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Bookings via email

We will use for hall bookings from now on.

Paint swatch and hinges

We measured the internal doors and now recognise the getting replacements is an up hill task as they are large and not a modern standard size. Re-glazing with safety glass looks like a viable option. We will ask the decoration team to strip and prepare the doors.

I bought new hinges for the front door and kitchen windows. We will fit these tomorrow. The orignals are rusted through. Whilst at the DIY store Leo had some paint mixed (post consultation with the other ladies) so we can see what the chair rail will look like against magnolia on the walls of the main hall. Having painted two areas near the chair rail, it's clear we will need at least two coats of magnolia and a lots of cleaning. The walls have nicotine stains and lots of grime.

I will be in the hall from around half past ten on Sunday morning.

The social visit...

Lots of Scouters pitched up at ten am this morning. All had a good look round and none complained / said we are mad to be doing this. Jim L arrived and has agreed to fit the kitchen units on Monday or Tuesday evening next week at about six thirty. Jim commented that the place didnt smell or feel damp. He is right, the hall is in good nick.

I think we had enough bodies in the hall to raise the temperature.

Caroline H arrived and said that the paint was the same as she remembered it - circa a decade earlier.

Snow cleared away from the front entrance and part of the rear walk way was enough effort for now.

Saturday - kitchen fit consultation

10am will see us in the hall, with a local tradesman. This is with a view to him fitting the units into our newly decorated kitchen.

Several Scout parents that H is co-opting are pitching up for a look. These guys are the proto hall sub committee.

Lets see how the day pans out, but I'd better get over there and move some snow / open up.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Bkanket of snow covers the hall

Snow halts play

This is the second day that the decoration team have been unable to get to the hall. If the weather gets better, we should see some senior management arrive for a visit early next week. 'They' have declared the hall as one of their significant projects.

We have some minor work planned on Saturday, but I recognise things may still be difficult in the current conditions.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Elves and the shoe maker return due snow

The early morning phone call from the lead decorator posed the question, can we come today and is it OK if 'we' come all week. I replied yes on both counts.

Having just been over the hall and done a trip to Wicks for paint and more, here is a report on progress...

Kitchen gloss white is looking great. Wood on window frames (was bare wood), now has primer on.

The entrance hall way has primer on the windows and external door, plus the wails are a lovely shade of mint (that's what it looks like in torch / KEA standard lamp light). The entrance hall looks fantastic and will glow when the white gloss goes on tomorrow. I cant wait to see the main hall if this is how the small entrance hall looks.

Work started in the ladies loos. Doors have been washed and its starting to look cleaner.

We think we have run out of options to bodge the paint post tomorrow, so we elected to go to Wicks and buy 40 litres of Magnolia (main hall walls) and 60 litres of white silk for the ceiling. What we don't use, we can take back... Leo and I are on risk for this, so we will take it on the chin if we don't get financial support for the project.

I picked up some plaster board, a big bucket of filler (believe me its gonna be needed).

The Scout Group has spent just over £200 on the project to date (includes coffee, biccies, cleaning, but excluding glass and a big trip to Wickes). and I will write to the Treasurer and Chair for £200 more. I think that should cover decoration and clean up, plus it should get us through to when professional tradesmen are needed.

There is a strange thing going on over the hall. The place has been tidied and all the tools have been lined up on a table. Tins of paint are neatly stacked. Its like a scene out the Elves and the Shoe Maker! Leo is intent on ribbing the chaps about it tomorrow - she reckons a big H boss is coming over to see how the chaps are doing.

Tonight's trip over the hall underlined three messages to me:
- The H decorating team are fantastic and we would have taken months to do what they are doing (dont worry, we are going to have do more ourselves)
- The hall isn't derelict, it is coming back to life and (the best bit), its coming back 'on our watch'

I'll stop now as I have to complete my job application to at least full draft tonight. The joys of modern corporate life - NOT.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Front door glass (belated post for Saturday)

I fitted the 'replacement, replacement' glass for the front door on Saturday morning (prior to my trip to the Opera). Tim (Chair) pitched up and had a good look round the hall. Tim now has the message loud and clear that we can't have members of the parish council on the management committee...

Snow is a good thing! Kitchen Gloss.

The decoration team contacted me as I arrived at work for my eight o clock meeting. 'Can we come to you?' I replied that I was very happy to have them and Leo picked up the bits with biccies, hot drinks and the key for access.

Glossing on the pipes and woodwork was clearly a big thing today. Its not a slack 'paint over it' job. No, these guys are taking the paint off and going right back to bare wood. Most impressive.

The kitchen window into the 'office' has had the board removed (it blocked the light) and white primer now sits on the bare wood of the frame.

Glossing in the office and boiler room wood work looks very nice.

Even in torch light this evening, things look good. Lets hope the weather is poor tomorrow and they can't lay turf for a school they planned...

One positive note, when I popped over it didn't feel too cold in the hall. Lets hope the pipes can hack it....

I'd better go and find some 13 amp fuses as the team are after some.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Chairs, Chairs and more chairs (and a lease draft)

Skip, Dan and I collected 83 stackable chairs from a local Hotel using the rabbits flat bed. They are gold metal (aluminium) frames with blue padded backs and seats. One or two need life forms removing from them, but most just need a hoover and a wipe. They are now stored in the hall and look very good.

What should be the final draft of the lease has arrived with me. I have emailed a copy of members of the Scout Group. I will now send a copy to the Trusts department at Gillwell...

We are currently expecting snow, so it was good to get the chairs moved in the dry.