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Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Handing Over

It's time to hand over the hall keys, files and booking records to others.

After over ten years of operating, maintaining and taking bookings for the hall, it's time to hand over these tasks to others in the village.  1st Chiseldon Air Scout Group continues to hold the lease and will continue to manage the hall, but Pete and Leo are handing over from this evening.

  • Hall bookings?  Please contact; Neil Richardson on 07467 353646

From negotiating a 99 year lease with the owners, to Honda sharing a group of lovely people for three months to help with refurbishment, to recovering the ladies toilets from an impromptu foam party - its been fun and quite a journey.

One of the hardest things I learnt to do during my IT career was to be strong enough to 'let my baby go'.  We hand the hall over, safe in the knowledge that the hall is on good hands and that Chiseldon village has benefited from our efforts and that makes it all worth while.

Just one more thing to say; thank you to my lovely wife Leo for her efforts with bookings and supporting me when I ran the Cub pack / Scout Group.  She has been amazing.

Peter Snipe 17th December 2019