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Monday, 26 July 2010

Trip Hazard?

Reports that a drayman almost tripped over part of the disabbled exit barrier meant action was required. The aluminium pole does protrude into the car park, but has yellow and black stripes on, so shouldnt have been missed...

To make the barrier more visible, the offending area has been sheeted in using white correx and some bright yellow and black notices applied.

Lets see if this helps. The next question is, - how long will this last in the sun?

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Care taker

Were giving Dan a go at being the hall care taker. It should take the load off Pete and Leo for hall cleaning and function set up. This afternoon, he did his first 40 minutes of sweeping, hoovering etc. under the direction and supervision of Leo.

Lets see how he gets on. QA checks will be done by Leo and he'll record his time, so we can remunerate him...