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Friday, 22 January 2010

Keeping it real (clean)

Akela spent over an hour hoovering, dusting, mopping and cleaning surfaces to have the hall ready for hire this evening and Sunday.  Our new Henry came into his own and proved you can hoover the whole floor from one electrical power point...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Business as usual...

With a big 40th birthday party having taken place and lots of bookings into 2010, we are in good shape as far as use and income is concerned.  Rainbows has been suspended (a hall user, nothing to do with the Scout Group) so this will have a very small impact on hall income.

Speaking of income, we are investing a lot into the hall and our intention is NOT to make a profit and just to cover costs. Its seems the people of Chiseldon approve, as they are using the hall on most week days and income is at (or over £200 per month).  Our new Treasurer has rightly requested a revised cash flow and Akela will draw this up in the next week.

The heating has worked very well during the recent cold spell and with no burst pipes, its clear the hall is a warm and useable space.

Akela has been tardy in speaking to Community First to get help with the management committee terms of reference, but this task along with working with trustees should bring about a release of capital to enable phase 2 works (windows and doors replacement with double glazed units) and provide a financial platform for ongoing operation and maintenance of the hall.

A while ago, Akela made a submission to the Borough Council asking for a 100% dispensation on 'rates'.  Whilst the submission has been acknowledged, we dont have an outcome...

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year

The Christmas tree has been taken down, the new cooker unpacked and Akela is in serious trouble with Leo for getting the tree lights in a mess...  Henry worked well cleaning up the area where the tree had been.

The tree and decs are still to be put up in the loft and a list of jobs is on display on the white board.

A short review of 2009 provides the following:  Over £10K of funds raised and masses of effort applied.  The hall is in use most week days and income is attaining £200 per month.  January should see the cost of rates and this will give us a much better picture of full cycle running costs.

Happy New Year!  A major priority for 2010 is the formatution of the hall management committee.  We have five or six people who are willing to do the job, but overall, the lack of response from the village has been dissapointing.