With the exception of the kitchen hatch and fire seals for the kitchen / room doors, I have just ordered all of the fire protection kit the hall needs. With our camping kit in the hall and increasing amounts of people traffic into the hall, fire extinguishers are increasingly required. Kit that has been ordered was defined by the fire service during their inspection (prices need VAT adding):
9 Litre Water £22.25 x2 (Hall)
9 Litre Foam Spray £28.25 x2 (Hall)
2KG Carbon Dioxide £24.00 x2 (stage)
2KG Dry Powder £13.75 x1 (kitchen)
1.2 m x 1.2 m Fire Blanket £9.50 x1 (kitchen)
Water Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
Foam Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
CO2 Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x2
Dry Powder Extinguisher ID Sign £2.65 x1
Escape Route Keep Clear Sign 200 x 150 £5.25 x1
Push Bar To Open Sign 150 x 400 £7.50 x2
I will order the door seals in the next few days and get Andy to exercise his DIY prowess using my crappy router! This will be a LOT cheaper than £220 to have the seals supplied and installed.
The camping kit needs to be placed on racks and moved out of the hall. I have jiffied Skip and the Rabbit (via email, which he
never reads) to get the racking installed...